Hot presses
Hot pressesThe ORMAMACCHINE NPC presses are the result of constant studies in the research of highly functional and reliable machines. The main characteristics of these machines are:
• Structure
entirely made of welded and tool machined beams. The choice to prefer the beam structure instead of the bended steel sheet (eco-nomically more viable) has come from the decision to offer to the client a highly reliable product where
quality plays the main role.
• The rams are thickness chromed to grant a perfect flowing and a higher working life either of the seal gaskets and of the piston itself. Even in this case quality has been our main concern, and
we have chosen the thickness chromed system instead of the chrome bath which has lower costs but absolutely no lasting guarantee.
• All the cylinders are bolted to the structure, so to be easily removed in case of servicing. Another possibility is to weld cylinders to the structure but in so doing all the functions of the press would be of a much lower quality.
• Highly reliable hydraulic power units fitted with a double stage pump, first stage at low pressure and high delivery to move up the platen, second stage at high pressure and low delivery to get the working pressure set by the operator
on the keyboard.
• Hydraulic power unit motor plunged in oil bath to get a better cooling and to reduce noise, and further more to avoid any possible damages caused by accidental shocks.
• General switch board from
where the operator can set and use all the functions of the press. As a standard equipment all the presses are supplied with the automatic pressure recovery device. This accessory allows to keep the same given pressure, even in case the
panel, under the platen thrust, shall lower its thickness.
• The switch board is mounted on a hinged door (with a 180° opening) so all the servicing operations can be easily carried out.
• On the digital display touchscreen type the operator can set and/or adjust all press functions, particularly:- working pressure (kg/cm2)
- working temperature (for presses with electric boiler)
- pressing timer to adjust the pressing time
- automatic switching On of the heating unit (for presses with electric boiler); possibility to set all days of the week
- On/Off selection of one row pistons exclusion (the exclusion is standard on all presses with 8/10 pistons, while it is an option on all presses with 6 pistons)
- possibility to use 50% capacity of the boiler (for boilers over 20 kW)
• Automatic calculation of the pressure in bar according to the specific pressure in kg/cm2 which must be used for the panels to be worked.
• The electric switch board is manufactured according the CE rules and the controls are at low voltage.
• On all the NPC Presses as standard fitting there is a perimetral safety emergency cable that allows to stop or block the press platens from any side of the press.
• All the NPC Presses are fitted with a crossed rack system so composed: 2 rack groups for the platen depth and 2 groups for the length all connected between them by torsion shafts so to grant a perfect platen movement.
• Nr. 4 lateral guides, positioned on the 4 interior faces of the press legs. This is a further guarantee of a perfect platen movement during either their opening or closing.
• The press platen flatness is guaranteed by the precision with which the beams are processed. indeed both the platens are made with beams welded between them and after mechanically milled.